By: David J. Swandt, Founder and President - Twenty20 Faith
As the story of the Tower of Babel unfolds in Genesis chapter 11, a people of long ago being of one mind and language set out to harness the power of their unity to achieve something dishonoring to God and contrary to His plan for humanity.
So God stepped in to disrupt their efforts by causing different people to speak different languages such that none were commonly understood amongst them. And that language disruption persists to this day.
As we look to advance God's powerful and transformative message of love and salvation through Christ around the world, language translation opens otherwise closed doors to various peoples, and allows God's powerful message to be received and embraced by those native speakers of that language.
To all those around the world who have yet to receive Him, Jesus says:
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."
Revelation 3:20
Our goal for 2023 is to open 12 new doors by translating and deploying our full program into 12 NEW LANGUAGES!
We'd be honored by your consideration to sponsor a new language to reach into new parts of the world. Please visit:
THANK YOU for all you do.
Mark your calendars for Saturday evening
May 20, 2023!
Our second annual dinner banquet - "A CELEBRATION OF NATIONS 2023!" - will be held on Saturday evening May 20, 2023 at the beautiful Kalahari Resort and Conference Center in Round Rock, TX.
Please stay tuned to social media, our website and future newsletters for more information in the coming weeks. We hope you can join us!
Click HERE to see great memories from last year's event!
You're Invited!
Our Founders - David and Joanne Swandt - will be leading a live classroom study of "Out of This World: A Christian's Guide to Growth and Purpose" for 6 consecutive Sundays beginning
Feb. 19, 2023.
Each class teaches Christian foundations to achieve growth and purpose in your walk with God using the same devotional Twenty20 Faith has utilized to reach over 2.3 Million around the world. The class is free of charge, conducted in English only and those attending in person will receive a free book (remote attendees will be directed to the YouVersion Bible App).
WHEN: Sunday Feb. 19, 2023 from 10:00am to 11:15am (CT) for 6 consecutive Sundays.
WHERE: West Balcony Room at Shoreline Church * 15201 Burnet Rd * Austin, TX
(remote attendance available via Zoom)
Childcare will be provided. If you are interested in attending, please email for details.
We invite you to take a close look at our 2022 End of Year Impact Dashboard highlighting the amazing global impact God has authored through Twenty20 Faith this past year. We are humbled and honored to have this small part in God's all-encompassing plan to redeem humanity to Himself.
And without your generous support, this simply wouldn't be possible.
we're grateful for your generosity!
GIVE A ONE TIME or MONTHLY GIFT of $25, $50, $100, $200 or another amount God may place upon your heart. You can do so by Debit or Credit Card by selecting:
OR, make checks payable and mail directly to:
Twenty20 Faith, Inc.
P.O. Box 2437
Cedar Park, TX 78630
TO SPONSOR A LANGUAGE translation for $2,500, please visit our Language Sponsorship Opportunities page, or Contact Us to confirm a list of opportunities.
FOR IN-KIND DONATIONS of Stocks & Bonds, or to donate an un-used Vehicle, visit our More Ways to Give page for instructions.
THANK YOU for your prayerful and generous consideration. Our prayer is that God will pour out His blessings and favor into all areas of your life!
If you have any questions or comments, send email directly to:
Twenty20 Faith, Inc. is a 501c3 Tax Exempt Organization, and is recognized by GuideStar as a Platinum Level Charity - their highest rating.
Donations made to Twenty20 Faith, Inc. are tax deductible within the limits of the IRS Code.