By: David J. Swandt, Founder and President - Twenty20 Faith

It seems there are near countless forms of differing faiths practiced by people everywhere, but a common thread across most is the pursuit of a "higher power" through individual performance and duty.
Christianity, however, is different, unique and exceptional. It is a simple and freeing embrace of the power of love rather than burdensome compliance to rules and creed. Christianity is the perfect chemistry of faith and love working together in harmony in our lives, and empowers us to love God, and produce good in others through the lens of our love - and God's love - for them.
This is the essence of what Jesus personifies. He said . . .
"I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Direction, clarity and fulfillment in life are needs common to humanity everywhere, and the truth of Jesus' message meets these head on. The benefits received by those who embrace His message are extraordinary - unrivaled in every way in both this life and the one to come.
Sharing this amazing faith is at heart of all we do in ministry.
THANK YOU to all of our partners and donors - you have helped make this possible. May God bless you in everything you do!
Announcing our 37th Language!

Last week, our full program launched in the Lithuanian language on the YouVersion Bible App.
Lithuanian is the official language of Lithuania, and is spoken by approximately 3 Million people worldwide.
We would like to say THANK YOU to our sponsors Christ and Robin Walker - through your generous gift and heart for the wonderful people of Lithuania, you've made this outreach possible.
Please join us in prayer believing God will touch many thousands across Lithuania and beyond with His love and grace as a result.
Language Sponsorship Opportunities (Europe)
If you would like to "Share Your Faith" by sponsoring a language, we would be honored by your consideration.
While our focus is global in scope, we believe God is moving in a very special way across Europe at this time, thus we are currently seeking sponsorships for these European languages:

Interested in Sponsoring a Language?
Each language sponsorship is $2,500, and pays for the costs to make our full program available in that language, including professional translation services, infrastructure setup, deployment and transitional engagement with constituents.
If you have questions, or would like to know more about sponsoring a language, visit our Programs page, or email directly.
We are grateful for your generous consideration - your heart to reach those in need of Christ inspires us to continue. THANK YOU!

MONTHLY GIFT of $25, $50, $100, $200 or another amount God may place upon your heart. You can setup automated monthly giving through our Facebook page, or with your PayPal Account by Selecting:
ONE TIME GIFT of any size as God may lead.
SPONSOR a language translation: $2,500 (Visit our Programs Page, or Contact Us to confirm a list of opportunities).
1) DONATE Online via PayPal or Credit Card at:
2) DONATE through our Facebook page at:
3) Make checks payable and mail directly to:
Twenty20 Faith, Inc. P.O. Box 2437 Cedar Park, TX 78630

THANK YOU for your prayerful and generous consideration. Our prayer is that God will pour out His blessings and favor into all areas of your life!
If you have any questions or comments, send email directly to:
Twenty20 Faith, Inc. is a 501c3 Tax Exempt Organization, and is recognized by GuideStar as a Platinum Level Charity - their highest rating.
Donations made to Twenty20 Faith, Inc. are tax deductible within the limits of the IRS Code.