Meet the Swandts
Over the past 25 years, Joanne and David Swandt have led numerous ministries and faith-based organizations focused toward new Christian growth, education, short-term missions and relief & development outreach charities.
David is a former executive in the High Tech industry, and author of; "Out of This World: A Christian's Guide to Growth and Purpose", a book helping new and recently re-dedicated Christians gain solid foundations in their newly-found Christian faith.
Joanne, prior to transitioning to Twenty20 Faith, taught 2nd Grade classes in the Round Rock ISD school district until retiring in December, 2020. Her passion for academic excellence, her love for children and her un-wavering focus to help all of her students realize their highest potential has defined her extraordinary success in academia.
Today, they lead the ministry of Twenty20 Faith, and are so honored to have a small part in God's plan to touch lives around the world.
Our Story
Our journey from a small informal class to global nonprofit is remarkable - we attribute this extraordinary impact in its entirety to God's blessing and favor upon this work and mission from the very beginning. THANK YOU to all of the volunteers, donors and partners who have made this possible along the way. To all, we are humbly honored and eternally grateful.
It all began some years ago around several campfire discussions on a short term missions trip in Botswana, Africa. The framework for a ministry to new Christians was conceptualized with a great friend, Pastor Sam Mata of Shoreline Church in Austin, Texas. In the ensuing months, a classroom study for about a dozen people was established at Shoreline Church, with more than 1,000 people eventually attending that class over the years.
In early 2013, Mr. Swandt began exploring ways to substantially expand the impact of the study beyond the classroom, and formulated the foundations of what has now become Twenty20 Faith, an organization uniquely blending exceptional Christian devotional content and digital technology platforms to help Christians all over the world find lasting clarity and a lifetime of sustained growth in their walk with God. Twenty20 Faith, Inc. was founded as a non-profit corporation on March 8, 2018.
As a result of God's blessing upon this ministry, our programs are available in over 35 languages, with a global readership of 2 Million. Since our founding in 2018, more than 5,500 people have given their life to Christ around the world.
"Do not despise the day of small beginnings . . ." Zach 4:10
Our Future Vision
Looking forward, our goal is to build upon our full program and to expand to more than 65 languages. We strongly believe the impact will extend to multiple millions globally in the near future. Today, many thousands directly engage us for further guidance in their walk with God, and also express many of life's challenges they may be facing - some of which we are not setup to help with. While we provide solid devotional content for clarity and growth in their walk with God, we envision a future where our ministry and outreach comprehends a much larger set of these needs and challenges through expanded content and more direct, personal engagement across the digital environment.
Additionally, our future goal encompasses helping each one network locally, where possible, with those who can provide support, friendship and guidance in a consistent face to face setting through various local fellowships, churches, counselors and small group gatherings. We firmly believe this balance of face to face engagement with other Christians while also remaining individually active in Bible and devotional readings is a key foundation to living a strong, vibrant and purpose-filled life.
God is good. So too are His plans for us. (Jer. 29:11)
Our Board of Directors

David J. Swandt Sr., (Founder & President)
David is the Founder and President of Twenty20 Faith, and together with his wife Joanne they are leading the charge on stewarding God's work in and through Twenty20 Faith, Inc. to impact hundreds of thousands of people world-wide with God's love and grace. David and Joanne have three incredible adult children - David Jr., Joshua and Rebecca. They have been married 30 years, and reside in Cedar Park, TX.
David is a long-time executive in the High Tech industry, with 10 years in Business and Technology Consulting, and 12 years with Dell, Inc. leading global organizations across Digital (Dell.com), Operations, Mergers & Acquisitions and Business Transformation. His uncompromising focus on the customer, an open leadership style that empowers his organizations, and an emphasis on excellence and quality outcomes has defined his leadership successes and earned him numerous awards and recognitions.
David has served in numerous non-profit and ministry organizations over the years, including President of a Christian elementary school board, President of a relief and development non-profit for the under-privileged in Milwaukee's inner city, several church-based classroom and small-group ministries, and a number of short term missions outreaches across Central America and Africa.
He is an avid mountain biker and enjoys leading mountain bike group rides in the Austin, TX area.

Jack Featherston, (Treasurer)
Jack is a founding member of Twenty20 Faith. He has served as Treasurer since its founding in 2018 and shares a passion to reach the lost and hurting in our world with the love of Christ. He and his wife Donna, who met while in the University of Texas Longhorn Band, have been married for 35 years. They, and their son Jackson, all reside in Austin Texas.
Professionally, Jack is a Senior Analyst for the Federal Government with over 37 years of service. Jack has a B.S. in Management Accounting from Park College.
Along with his service on the Twenty20 Faith Board of Directors, Jack has held numerous ministry leadership positions including twelve years with Shoreline East, a homeless outreach ministry in Austin. He has led classes on Christian foundations, hosted numerous small group home studies, and in 2019 traveled to Haiti on an outreach mission to Danita's Children. Jack served ten years in the Shoreline Church Worship Ministry playing saxophone and flute and is currently serving as a prayer partner.
In addition to traveling and cruising with his family, Jack enjoys riding bikes, and is a computer hobbyist, building, maintaining, and fixing computers and laptops.

David J. Swandt Jr., (Secretary)
David is a founding Board member of Twenty20 Faith, and has served in the office of Secretary since its founding in March, 2018. David's heart to touch those hurting and in need both here and abroad is a prominent force in his life and this ministry. David and his wife Kelsie were recently married in April, 2021, and reside in Cedar Park, TX.
Professionally, David works in the High-Tech sector as a Senior Client Success Manager for a multi-national SAAS based organization. He graduated from the Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University with a B.S. degree in Business Marketing.
In addition to his ministry at Twenty20 Faith, he has served in various homeless outreach ministries at Shoreline Church and Redeemer Church in the greater Austin, TX area. Additionally, he served as Vice President for Beta Upsilon Chi (BYX), Christian Fraternity at Texas Tech University until he graduated.
David regularly enjoys running and other health and fitness activities with his wonderful wife Kelsie.

Art Powell, (Director)
Twenty20 Faith welcomes Art Powell to the Twenty20 Faith Board of Directors, effective January, 2024. Art is a devoted follower of Christ since the age of 21. His passion to see the transformative power of God's love bring human hearts into relationship with God, and to nurture life-long spiritual growth through discipleship is perfectly fitting to the ministry endeavors God has authored through Twenty20 Faith.
Professionally, Art is the Founder and CEO of Trinsic Technologies, a leading technology consulting firm founded in 2005 and headquartered in Austin, TX. Art and his wife Maria have been married for 32 years and have two wonderful adult children. They reside in the greater Austin area and continue to serve the Lord in numerous capacities.
Art is replacing Brandon Frye, who has faithfully served on Twenty20 Faith's Board of Directors for 4 years, leading the organization's marketing, fundraising and financial growth strategy.

Kevin Jones, (Director)
Kevin has served on the Board of Directors of Twenty20 Faith since February, 2020. Kevin's heart for missions around the world, combined with his professional and ministry experience provides invaluable resource and insight to advance the ministry of Twenty20 Faith. Kevin and his wife Liz have three amazing adult children; Alex, Jon and Kevin Jr. They currently reside in Morrisville, NC.
Professionally, Kevin is a 20+ year executive leader in the High Tech industry having led domestic and international organizations at IBM, Dell, Inc. and Lenovo. Kevin and his family spent 6 of those years on ex-pat assignments across Asia. Currently, Kevin serves as Vice President of Design Services; Cloud, Compute and Storage for Jabil.
Kevin and Liz have led numerous ministries, marriage groups and outreaches over the years. During their time living in Asia, they partnered with numerous missions organizations and local ministries to impact many people across numerous countries in Asia and served as Director of Missions for their local church in Taipei. Today, Kevin serves as Director of Missions at New Life Church and focuses their outreach on alleviating poverty in their communities and beyond.
Kevin and Liz love to travel, and enjoy God's wonderful creation all over the world.
What We Believe
At Twenty20 Faith, our Mission is to help people build lasting clarity and a lifetime of growth in their walk with God.
Statement of Faith
The Bible is God's Word.
II Timothy 3:16
II Peter 1:20-21
Proverbs 30:5
Romans 16:25-26
The Bible is God’s Word and is how God chose to reveal himself to us. The Bible was authored by human writers, guided supernaturally by the Holy Spirit. It stands as the ultimate source of truth for Christian beliefs about living. The Bible, and only the Bible, holds the authoritative status as the Word of God, serving as the final arbiter in determining doctrinal truths. In its original form, it is inspired by God and therefore infallible and inerrant.
God is the Creator and Ruler of the Universe
I John 5:7
Genesis 1:26
Matthew 3:16-17
Hebrews 3:7-11
Isaiah 9:6
God has eternally existed as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, with the three being coequal persons and forming one God.
Mankind was Created by God
Genesis 1:26-28
Genesis 5:1-3
Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
People are crafted in the spiritual image of God, meant to reflect His character. Despite having great potential for good, all people are tainted by an attitude of disobedience toward God called “sin,” which separates them from God. People are destined for eternal existence, either separated from God in hell or united with Him in eternal life in Heaven.
Jesus is the Son of God
John 1:1, 14 & 20:28
I Timothy 3:16
Isaiah 9:6
Philippians 2:5-6
John 3:16-18
Jesus' pursuit, as stated in Luke 19:10, is “to seek and to save the lost.” His intention is not condemnation but the free gift of salvation for all who accept Him. He came to save humanity from sins, offering eternal life to those who turn to God in repentance and faith in Jesus. Jesus is God the Son, fully divine and fully human. His sinless life, miraculous deeds, death on a cross, resurrection, and ascension to Heaven demonstrate His power over sin and death.
How We Receive the free gift of Salvation
Ephesians 2:8-9
Galatians 2:16, 3:8
Titus 3:5
Romans 10:9-10
Acts 16:31
Hebrews 9:22
Salvation is received by grace through faith in Jesus Christ—His death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is a gift from God, not earned through human effort. Trusting in Jesus as God’s forgiveness offer is the sole means of salvation, thus saving us from punishment for our sins.
Now that we're saved, what is our Purpose?
Matthew 22:36-40
Matthew 26:63-64
We are called to do two things; love God with our entire self, and love other people unconditionally. As an extension of this love, God asks us to spread Jesus' teachings, make disciples of all nations, and fulfill the Great Commission: going, baptizing, and teaching in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Our focus at Twenty20 Faith is this very call to action. While the particulars of the Great Commission may vary among individuals and organizations, our objective at Twenty20 Faith remains consistent: to assist people in choosing Christ, fostering their relationship with Him, connecting them with local Christians, and empowering them to step into the purpose God has for them.
Jesus is Returning
Matthew 24:30
Matthew 26:63-64
Acts 1:9-11
I Thessalonians 4:15-17
II Thessalonians 1:7-8
Revelation 1:7
The second coming of Jesus is the hope of believers, affirming God's control and faithfulness to His promises. Jesus fulfilled many prophecies during His first coming, but some remain unfulfilled, which His second coming will address. In His return, Jesus will return as King and will fully reconcile all believers to Himself under his sovereign leadership.